Hieronder vind je een korte omschrijving per merk. Waar staat het merk voor en wat brengt het merk je. Past het bij jouw winkel of webshop? De productontwikkeling, het design en de fotografie vindt allemaal in house plaats.
Hierdoor kan F&H snel inspelen op de snelle en continue veranderingen in de markt. Dit uit zich door meerdere nieuwe productlanceringen gedurende het jaar.
GOTS-gecertificeerde producten
Duurzaamheid en verantwoordelijkheid vertegenwoordigen een overkoepelende trend. Elke kleine stap in de goede richting telt – of u nu 100% idealistisch bent of zorgvuldig uw belangrijkste kwesties kiest. Een manier om een duurzame levensstijl na te streven, is door producten van goede kwaliteit te kiezen die lang meegaan en daardoor het totale verbruik te verminderen.
Södahl maakt het gemakkelijk om voor een gezond en milieubewust dagelijks leven te kiezen met een reeks nieuwe GOTS-gecertificeerde producten. GOTS (de Global Organic Textile Standard) is een standaard voor biologische vezels.

Home is the family’s safe and inspiring place, the framework of family life – it is where you enjoy life with your loved ones. Your own, personal style with luxury, high quality products in contemporary Scandinavian design, creating your own beautiful, cosy setting in an inspiring, captivating ambience where family and friends like to be.
Home is the family’s safe and inspiring place, the framework of family life – it is where you enjoy life with your loved ones. Your own, personal style with luxury, high quality products in contemporary Scandinavian design, creating your own beautiful, cosy setting in an inspiring, captivating ambience where family and friends like to be.

Christian Bitz has hosted and is expert in several Danish TV programs, and has an MSc in human nutrition and research director at Herlev and Gentofte Hospital, where he is involved in numerous research projects and the development of the food to patients.

We interpret evolving trends by rethinking beauty and functionality for everyone who shares our belief in a profoundly positive life. Expressed in an honest and colourful way, our designs challenge convention, inspire curiosity and embrace exquisite materials.

The Danish design icon, the Margrethe bowl, is indisputably the best-known product in Rosti’s range. The Margrethe bowl was designed in 1954 by Sigvard Bernadotte and Acton Bjørn’s studio in Copenhagen, and it is named after the Danish Princess Margrethe.

Our mantra is that current interior trends should be accessible and easy to follow without having to compromise on the details and materials found in quality products. We are therefore committed to creating interiors with a handcrafted feel, as things made by hand are created with a passion that comes straight from the heart – and into the home.

Gense’s cutlery is both classic and innovative in its design – with a perfect combination of form and function. Since the 20th century, Gense has attached the best designers who, with their artistic skills and great passion for craftsmanship, have helped to make Gense world famous for its Scandinavian design.

For many years, Lyngby Glas dominated Danish dinner tables and has now been re-launched as a series of beautiful, crystal-clear whisky and longdrink glasses, besides carafes and vases.


Christian Bitz has hosted and is expert in several Danish TV programs, and has an MSc in human nutrition and research director at Herlev and Gentofte Hospital, where he is involved in numerous research projects and the development of the food to patients.

We interpret evolving trends by rethinking beauty and functionality for everyone who shares our belief in a profoundly positive life. Expressed in an honest and colourful way, our designs challenge convention, inspire curiosity and embrace exquisite materials.
The Danish design icon, the Margrethe bowl, is indisputably the best-known product in Rosti’s range. The Margrethe bowl was designed in 1954 by Sigvard Bernadotte and Acton Bjørn’s studio in Copenhagen, and it is named after the Danish Princess Margrethe.

Our mantra is that current interior trends should be accessible and easy to follow without having to compromise on the details and materials found in quality products. We are therefore committed to creating interiors with a handcrafted feel, as things made by hand are created with a passion that comes straight from the heart – and into the home.
Gense’s cutlery is both classic and innovative in its design – with a perfect combination of form and function. Since the 20th century, Gense has attached the best designers who, with their artistic skills and great passion for craftsmanship, have helped to make Gense world famous for its Scandinavian design.


RiD B.V.
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VAT: NL002050945b86
KvK: 34282713
IBAN: NL26 ABNA 0886 8321 9
Kantoor adres:
RiD B.V.
Hendrik Figeeweg 3F / C5
2031 BJ Haarlem
Nederland 🇳🇱